While it’s still illegal to buy Cuban cigars in the U.S. there are options. Many tobacco stores will surreptitiously sell you genuine Cuban cigars for a price, but you need to know who you’re dealing with, and so do they. When in doubt talk to someone in the business who can honestly help you. We suggest you visit the family owned Holt’s Cigar Store online for helpful and honest answers.
Hurricane Beryl News
Baseball in Cuba
They’ve been playing baseball for over one hundred years on this tropical island, and many of their finest players have also starred in the major leagues in the United States.
Pitchers like Luis Tiant and Livan Hernandez a few years ago to Aroldis Chapman today (who’s pitched on two World Series Championship teams), and hitters like Jose Canseco, Yoenis Cespedes all make for an exciting game to watch.